Android studio fragment not attached to activity
Android studio fragment not attached to activity

Public class FirstFragment extends Fragment implements View. In order to reproduce this anomaly, we write the following code: Android Iniversal Device ID Library Android Iniversal Device ID Library. First of all, create a new Android Studio Project and include the Kotli.Toast myToast Toast.makeText(this, 'Im a toast', Toast.LENGTHLONG) Typically you get in this method a reference to the activity which uses the fragment for further initialization work. Because the Activity might not be attached, your getResources () call will throw an Exception. onAttach() : The fragment instance is associated with an activity instance.The fragment and the activity is not fully initialized. mHost is the object that holds your Activity. Home Android Fragment not attached to a context error occurs after navigating to a.

android studio fragment not attached to activity

Performing a time-consuming task in Fragment, when the task is not over, rebuilding Activity will lead to getActivity()for null, All used getActivity()Place will cause a null pointer exception, if used getResources()Method will lead to Fragment not attached to Activity。 Let’s use the Kotlin to create an android app and create some toast messages. Android fragments have their own life cycle very similar to an android activity. I am doing an app using a single activity architecture.

Android studio fragment not attached to activity